Sunday, July 6, 2008

Results of Vote #5/TKO #6

Loud Lincoln
Joyous Johnson

received the most votes this week, which means they were removed from the game. The remaining five players have survived to the last week!

TKO #6

In 1500 words or less, write a story or scene that includes the people as characters who created these postsecret cards. You may explain why each wrote them, write their stories, etc. They may be separate scenes or combined. The only limitation I intend this prompt to put on you is you must in someway referencing the creators of the three cards. I will check the word limit too!

Post due at noon on Sunday. Nobody will be eliminated as a result of this vote. The remaining five players will be ranked and there will be one more week after this (and the rankings will be added together).

Click on the postcards to view the larger size.

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